Mixing Methods in Transdisciplinary Research by Ulli Vilsmaier and Matthias Bergmann

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Plenary talk from the First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation: Mixing and Coupling Methods in Transdisciplinary Research and Research-Based Learning. • Conference abstract: Transdisciplinary research is based on the objects of integration and implementation. The research process aims to create space for common thinking, mutual learning and joint action between partners from diverse disciplines and societal fields in order to create knowledge, understanding and induce transformation. Therefore, an integrative methodology has to be set up consisting of a series of different types of methods which are mixed and coupled in transdisciplinary research. • These methods range from cooperation methods providing conditions for integration on a social and cognitive level to assessment and deliberative methods for systematically dealing with diverse sources of knowledge, interests, values and norms; they include management and evaluation methods as well as respective disciplinary or interdisciplinary research methods. Due to the idiographic character of transdisciplinary research, these combinations and adaptations vary according to the research setting and issue of concern. In consequence, transdisciplinary research methodologies have to be arranged specifically for each research project. Thus, to consolidate transdisciplinary research it is important to clarify the dynamics and diversities of mixing and coupling methods. • This presentation covers different types of methods which are applied in transdisciplinary research and how new inter- and transdisciplinary methods emerge is shown. The presentation also includes an epistemological order of methods for transdisciplinary research and a conceptual model for a reflexive transdisciplinary research process. • The Microsoft PowerPoint presentation used in the video is available as a PDF at: https://i2s.anu.edu.au/wp-content/upl... (PDF 711KB). • Speaker biographies: • Ulli Vilsmaier is Junior Professor for Transdisciplinary Methods at Leuphana University in Lueneburg, Germany. She is a member of the inter-faculty Center of Methods and the Institute for Ethics and Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research in the Faculty of Sustainability. She trained as a Geographer and until 2011 worked in the field of regional development and development studies in a collaboration between the University of Salzburg and non-governmental organisations. Her current main research interests are: space concepts/constitution of space, methods of inter- and transdisciplinary boundary-work, foundations of transdisciplinarity, transdisciplinary case study teaching, regional development and sustainability. • Matthias Bergmann is a senior researcher at the Institute for Social-ecological Research (ISOE) in Frankfurt, Germany where he is part of the research unit Transdisciplinary Methods and Concepts (since 2000). In addition, he is an invited guest scientist for research and teaching at the Leuphana University Lueneburg (Institute for Ethics and Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research) since August 2011. He has a doctorate in Environmental Engineering. At ISOE he focuses on the study of quality criteria, the evaluation of transdisciplinary research, methods for integration issues in transdisciplinary research and on transdisciplinarity in higher education. From 1998 to 2011 he worked at the Wissenschaftskolleg – Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin, where he was responsible for quality management, evaluation and the management of interdisciplinary research projects. • The First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation was held in Canberra in Australia, online and at three co-conferences (Lueneburg in Germany, The Hague in the Netherlands and Montevideo in Uruguay), 8-11 September 2013.


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