Dope Murray cod fishing


This was one of the best nights Murray cod fishing that I can remember having for a very long time. Not because of the monster Murray cod that we caught, or the red hot action, but for the constant laughs, fun , adventure and excitement. • To me this is what fishing is all about. Not just Murray cod fishing, but any sort of fishing. Smiles, laughter and relaxation. What more could anybody ask for when heading out on a fishing adventure? • In actual fact, the Murray cod fishing was slow on this night. As you can tell by watching the video, we only actually landed 3 Murray cod between 7 or 8 fishing rods for the night, as well as 1 carp and of course I landed a turtle. I am very good at that! • Jobe caught the largers Murray cod at 49cm on a piece of cheese. • Holly had a blast as well, catching shrimp and playing with slime. • Murray cod fishing assumes many forms of identity. From elitists in their expensive boats, with their tournament style shirts and fancy fishing hats on with expensive rods and reels, to young girls sitting in the sand playing with their home made slime while waiting for a fish to bit. • I love it. I just love it all, but the kids laughing really drives home why it is so important that we take kids fishing, and Murray cod fishing, or as the kids cal it, dope Murray cod fishing is as good a way to introduce kids to fishing as any other way. • Find me on Patreon:   / robbiefishing  


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