>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=pnrLpAqZgBM
Heljarchen Hall complete (3 different wings), furnished with stone quarry and clay locations • Skyrim Hearthfire | Heljarchen Hall |... • Morthal Windstad Manor completed and fully furnished (3 different wings) • Skyrim Hearthfire | Windstad Manor Co... • Morthal Windstad Manor stone quarry and clay deposit locations • Skyrim Hearthfire : Windstad Manor w/... • Falkreath Lakeview Manor stone quarry and clay deposit locations • Skyrim Hearthfire : Lakeview Manor w/... • I have now fully built and furnished my new estate complete with an armory, alchemy tower and an enchanting tower. I wanted to build everything I would need for armor/weapon improving/enchanting, and also the alchemy lab for combat related potions. Hope you guys like what I have built and enjoy the video. I plan to complete the other estates with my other characters and configure them differently. If you want to stay updated on my future content please subscribe. Thanks so much for checking out my video.