JEFFY Puppet UNBOXING Birthday Present SURPRISE SML SuperMarioLogan Puppets Party OskieWhiskie


LET'S GET TO 1000 LIKES! LEAVE A LIKE! WHY? Because I got an Official SML YouTube Movies Small JEFFY PUPPET from Etsy seller Evelinka and Beacon Art Studios as a B-Day Present! Check me out as I UNBOX him: JEFFY Puppet UNBOXING| Birthday Present Party SURPRISE SML SuperMarioLogan Puppets| OskieWhiskie • This is an incredible HAND MADE custom puppet. • My Mom and Dad got me this AWESOME Handmade Jeffy Puppet for my 8th birthday. It's Jeffy Francois as created and made famous by Logan Thirtyacre. Jeffy's Birthday videos are some of my favorites so I always wanted to have my own JEFFY party! • I love Logan, Chilly Jimenez (Ladye), Jeffy, and all of the other cool SML MOVIE peeps like Chef PeePee, Cody, Bowser, Bowser Jr. (Junior), Joseph, Mario, Luigi, Toad, Mama Luigi, Rosalina, Brooklyn Guy, Charlie, Tito Jimenez, Lovell Stanton, Pablo Sanchez (Chris), Elaina Keyes, Lance Thrirtyacre, Nancy (Jeffy's Mom), Jaques Pierre Francois (Jeffy's Dad), and the REST! • I also love their other channels SuperLuigiLogan, SuperPeachLogan (Chilly), SuperBowserLogan, Titototter, etc. • Hi! I'm Oscar, aka OskieWhiskie. Please LIKE NOW! COMMENT NOW! SUBSCRIBE NOW! Thanks! • SUBSCRIBE: • Follow me on Twitter:   / oskiewhiskie   • Follow me on Google+: • Follow me on Facebook:   / oskiewhiskie   • PLEASE NOTE: If you're trying to SEARCH FOR ME, I'm known by the following names- Oscar, Oskie, Oskie Woskie, OskieWoskie, OskieWhiskie, Oskie Whiskie, OskieWhiskey, Oskie Whiskey, OskieWiskie, and even Oskie Wiskie ;) • If you want to make your own SML Movie, you can get your own Hand Made Jeffy's from Beacon Art Studios here: •


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