Pes Anserine Bursitis Vs Medial Meniscus Injury


In this video, we're going to discuss the common causes of pes anserine bursitis, its symptoms, and the various treatments that may be effective. We'll also cover some prevention tips to help you avoid this condition in the future. • If you're experiencing medial knee pain, be sure to watch this video! We'll discuss the common causes of this condition, and the various treatments that may be effective. We'll also cover some prevention tips to help you avoid this condition in the future. • Want more info? We have a free audio about the biggest mistake people make when recovering from knee pain. The information helps people with pes anserine bursitis, runner’s knee, arthritis, meniscus, patellar tendonitis, muscle strain and swelling. Use this link to get access. • To work with us, contact us using this link or call us 714-502-4243. We have online programs, virtual and in-person options. • Costa Mesa, CA • What Does The Pes Anserine Bursa Do? • As mentioned above, the pes anserine bursa normally functions as a pulley to help reduce friction between surfaces. • As you can see, your knee has a lot of movement available in forward and backward motions. The pes anserine bursa is in the perfect location to help tolerate these significant forward and backward actions. • Under normal circumstances, the pes anserine bursa is not irritated or swollen since the compressive forces placed upon it are within its tolerance limits. Yet as we have all discovered at the beginning of every spring/summer, sometimes we go beyond our body’s tolerance. • What am I talking about referencing? • Sunburns! • Our bursa, just like our skin, has a tolerance that can change as you gradually expose your body to challenges. • In the cases of sunburns, your skin has been exposed too quickly to the sun’s rays and has a rapid and painful response. • With pes anserine bursitis, rapid exposure to running, jumping, HITs training, or walking can be enough to create a production of excessive fluid and inflammation of the bursa. • Inner knee pain will rapidly follow. • A rapid increase in physical activity is not the only cause of pes anserine bursitis. There are plenty of seasoned runners and triathletes who suffer from this type of overuse knee injury. • In these situations, a trained eye can help you see if your body lacks function in other regions of your body that are producing overuse of the knee and the bursa. • Consider the Mobility, Stability, and Strength Model when looking at your overuse knee injury. • Have you had any recent aches/ pains on the OTHER leg? • Plantar fascia pain • Knee pain • Groin • Lower back • IT Band • Perhaps you have had a chronic ache on the other leg that you’ve managed for years with a foam roller or stretching? • When discussing overuse injuries that are not from activity spikes, you have to look at it another way. • What is not working (dysfunctional and not painful) to make my pes anserine hurt? • Using a simple squat movement assessment (in-person or Zoom), we have found countless athletes placing MORE weight on their injured knee than on their “good one.” • Does Arthritis Cause Pes Anserine Bursitis? • People with arthritis of the knee and hip can experience pes anserine bursitis, but not all do? • Allow me to draw your attention to another Youtube video I created to prove this point. • This video demonstrates a non-surgical therapy called skin rolling. Skin rolling reduces “arthritis” knee pain with about 1/2 of the people who try it. • Read all of the comments below the video, and you’ll see I’m not making this up. • If you have been told your arthritis is the cause of your knee pain, yet rolling skin works, you may be in for a pleasant surprise. You can get better rapidly, as you can see. Now you need to reverse engineer HOW you developed this painful situation by addressing your dysfunctional/ non-painful areas. • We address these areas in our programs via the Mobility, Stability, and Strength Model as we discussed previously. • Here is another Youtube video that demonstrates how something like arthritis/ immobility in other joints can create knee pain. • #PesAnserineBursitis #pesanserine #medialkneepain


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