Zara Golden Decade Perfume Review
Yay! It's the weekend! Happy to be back again for another perfume review and today's video is one of the fave from the Zara perfume collection. • What's your weekend plan? Well for me, as a tita on my 30's, I'll be off to my Mom's tiny house in the country side away from the hustle and bustle of the City. I am doing a vegetable garden there that needs tending, I haven't visited there for 2 weeks so I need to catch up with my gardening. • Hope you have a wonderful weekend yourself wherever you are! • As always you guys are made of starlight and as usual I'm going to see you on the next one! • Stay safe and make good decisions with love Queen Bee! • Love and light always, • Queenie • LIKE SHARE SUBSCRIBE • Connect with me @ • Facebook: / madamqueens • Instagram: https: / queenieee.angelie • Collab @ Gmail: [email protected] • #zara #zaragoldendecade #zaraperfumes #perfume #perfumereview #ysllibre #ysllibredupe