Ace Combat 5 Emulated M20 Ancient Walls
Positron says this mission is cursed, and he's goddamn right. The nuke crater causes massive FPS drops for me - I had to go down to 3x native rez for this mi...
br0th3rsh00t3r, TugaAvenger, MrTugaAvenger, Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception, PSP Emulator, PPSSPP, PCSX2, fighter jet, Cipher, Pixy, Galm, Belka, Gryphus 1, Ace Squadron, Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War, Wardog Squadron, Blaze, Edge, Nagase, Chopper, Archer, Swordsman, F-14 Tomcat, Osea, Yuktobania