CIABacked Coup in Guatemala Overthrows Árbenz June 18 1954
On June 18, 1954, the leftist government of Guatemala, led by President Jacobo Árbenz, was overthrown in a CIA-backed coup known as Operation PBSUCCESS. Árbenz had introduced land reforms that threatened U.S. business interests, particularly the United Fruit Company. The coup installed a right-wing regime, sparking decades of political instability and a long guerrilla war with Marxist rebels. Both sides committed significant human rights abuses during the conflict. Despite persistent unrest, the U.S.-supported regime remained in power until the Cold War ended in 1991. • #GuatemalaCoup #ColdWar #JacoboArbenz #CIA #OperationPBSUCCESS #UnitedFruitCompany #LatinAmericanHistory #GuerrillaWar #LandReforms #USForeignPolicy