Yuri Bezmenov Full Interview amp Lecture HQ

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Yuri Bezmenov's full lecture given in LA in 1983. I have cleaned up the audio and filtered the video. But you can't polish a turd. • Introduction: 0:00 • Slide-Show Presentation: 32:33 • Subversion Lecture: 1:33:08 • Audience Q A: 2:36:09 • Yuri Bezmenov worked as a journalist for Novosti Press Agency, which was a disinformation and propaganda agency controlled by the Soviet non-military intelligence agency (commonly known as the KGB). The Soviets called their disinformation work through Novosti active measures, though Schuman uses the phrase ideological subversion to describe the activity of Novosti. Actually, ideological subversion was more of a term used by Soviet and Soviet-bloc propaganda to characterize the supposed actions of the West to undermine socialist and Communist ideology within the Soviet Union. • In the fifties and sixties, the Soviets and their allies began to use more creative means to mislead and misinform the West and the Third World, creating a cumulative effect that would in the long term be favorable to the Soviet Union. Novosti Press Agency was an overt and legitimate organization that published articles and books mainly for the West. It was ostensibly independent of the government, but we now know that this is a ridiculous claim. Most people assumed (and observed) that Novosti's work was somewhat propagandist, but until Bezmenov many did not realize the extent to which Novosti worked closely with the KGB to produce disinformation and mislead foreign governments and organizations, to the extent that Novosti's goals were quite simply the KGB's goals. • Looking back, many people might think that no one really took Novosti seriously. This is not the case. Western journalists and newspapers treated Novosti as a legitimate source of news and opinion. Papers like The New York Times used Novosti press releases just as they would the press releases of the AP, Reuters, AFP, or Groupe Presse. Novosti publications like the magazine Soviet Life and various books and travelogues were widely available in the United States and throughout the world and treated for the most part as honest, legitimate publications. Many of these publications can be found simply by searching Amazon for Novosti Press Agency. • Bezmenov: No NOVOSTI is good news • http://archive.org/details/BezmenovNo... • Bezmenov: LOVE LETTER TO AMERICA • https://archive.org/details/BezmenovL... • Yuri Bezmenov Psychological Warfare Ideological Subversion • http://archive.org/details/YuriBezmen... • Black Is Beautiful • http://archive.org/details/Yuri-Bezme... • World Thought Police • https://archive.org/details/Yuri-Bezm... • Los Angeles, 1986 • • 'BOAT PEOPLE'... 'KILLING FIELDS' OF • CAMBODIA... GENOCIDE IN AFGHANISTAN... • FAMINE IN SOVIET-OCCUPIED ETHIOPIA... • We notice (if at all) the tragedy only in it's last act - when • Soviet-made tanks screech into the streets of foreign • capitals. We tend to overlook how it all starts... We are • being told later, by the media and the 'experts', that — • first, the 'oppressed masses' revolt against their corrupt • 'rightist' regimes; then, we are told, the new 'people's • democracy' is established, and it immediately falls in • disfavour with the 'Western, U.S. imperialism'. It causes • hardships: shortage of foreign currency and shortage of • the essentials (food) as the result; censorship over the • media is established; than mass arrests take place, • finally — execution of the opposition ('the enemies of the • revolution')... And ultimately, as usual, the 'liberated' • masses try to flee their 'independent' motherlands by • the million — climbing over the berlin walls, being shot • at the back, or drawning by the thousand in the seas... • And where do they flee? To the 'decadent oppessive • capitalism!' • WORLD THOUGHT POLICE • NOVOSTI PRESS AGENCY (APN) - KGB FRONT FOR • ACTIVE MEASURES AGAINST THE FREE MEDIA • ±+++++++++++++++++++++++++ • Since posted this video has been embedded on lifesitenews.com zerohedge.com and russian-insider.com. 99.1% of views were from Males.


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