Fire Drill Emergency Mock Drill Complete Training In HindiUrdu


A real Fire Drill in the Production House, How to perform it safely engaging all crew members🔥 • Today I will be showing you how we performed a real fire drill earlier this week. • We had a drill inside the Production house. • It is very important to perform this drill safely and engaging all crew members on board. • A briefing took place in the vessels conference room, were the crew got briefed about the expected drill and procedures to be followed. • Then i run up to the floor on which I instructed the Second mate to start the manual call point for starting the Fire Alarm, then I announced the Drill and after that completed the required checklists. • I left on the floor the Second Mate and I appointed him as the coordinator of the teams and then rushed down to Production gallery at the production house where I placed my magic flashing strobe light flashing a red color (The Fire). • After that I checked on the teams on the external part of the Production house and found them to be in good order ready to deal with the danger. • Emergency team entered in to production house and made their way towards the Production house, Bagging house, they entered and discovered that the fire was an electrical fire and then they entered with the appropriate fire extinguishing agent Co2 Fire Extinguisher. • Green Light blinked and fire was extinguished. • A debriefing took place in the vessels conference room, were the crew got debriefed about the overall progress of the drill. • #firefighting • #mockdrill • #firedrill


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