Prof Kim Rossmo on Geographic Profiling
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • Prof. Kim Rossmo on Geographic Profiling • This interview with the person who coined the term ‘geographic profiling’ in 2000 through his seminal book of the same name covers a lot of information, including: What is geographic profiling? How can you use geographic profiling in single offence cases? Can geographic profiling solve crimes? How do you use geographic profiling? When is the perpetrator the most vulnerable? If you can’t catch him in the act, when is the best time to identify him? How has geographic profiling changed over the years? Who is Banksy? Where did Jack The Ripper live? What other information besides crime sites can you use to find a pattern? • To download a pdf transcript with reference, time stamps and key learning points, join the mailing list through the website. • Professor Rossmo started out as a Canadian police officer and discovered his passion for geographic profiling whilst doing his Master’s degree and PhD. He later switched to academia, whilst always staying in touch with and serving police practitioners. He has always been very keen that his research be useful, rather than theoretical and ending up on the shelf. He has applied geographic profiling to property and violent crime, zoology and some historical investigations. • Professor Rossmo’s book: ‘Geographic Profiling’ by D. Kim Rossmo • Music: Soft Blossom by Ann Annie; Slow Times Over Here by Midnight North; Sleeplessness by The Brothers Records; Sky Skating by Geographer; Serenity by Aakash Gandhi; Relaxer by The Grand Affair; Plaidness by Francis Preve; One Last Time by South London HiFi; Nidra In The Sky With Ayler by Jesse Galla; Mind And Eye Journey by Emily A Sprague; Memory Rain by Yung Logos; Kamogawa Dreaming by South London HiFi; Heartbeat Of The Hood by Doug Maxwell; Halos by Yung Logos; Fresno Alley by Josh Lippi The Overtimer; Fresh Fallen Snow by Chris Haugen; Apprehensive At Best by Biz Baz Studio; Forever Yours by Wayne Jones; Fern by Ann Annie; • Police Science Dr provides general information that stems from published research. However, each investigation needs to be assessed and conducted individually. The content Police Science Dr provides is not to be taken as specific advice for any one investigation and is intended to enhance investigative skills overall. • • #GeographicProfiling #InvestigativePsychology #Detectives #Police #PoliceScience #CrimeAnalysis #JackTheRipper #OffenderProfiling