Possible Soul Vehicles PSV from npc comments
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=q13XlMiqWA0
From the comments on the last NPC video, I eventually came up with a new term, PSV- Possible Soul Vehicle. I kind of like it actually... • This turns out to be a long discussion almost an hour but I felt there was valuable info to discuss. thanks for all the comments, I rarely respond but I do take them in and when it seems like a topic demands it, they can become videos such as this one. • My website (with link to Exit the Cave) • http://www.egyptian-wisdom-revealed.com/ • My author page if you would like to order my older books. • https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks... • Interview Links Found Here • https://www.egyptian-wisdom-revealed....