Chiari Malformation and the C1 Vertebra
A hypothesis for the symptomatic onset of Chiari Malformation (Type I) • • • As a broad overview, the researchers here make the case that Chiari Malformation is triggered as the result of changes in fluid pressure and tissue tension (known as compliance) as a result of mechanical problems in the area of the C1 vertebra. • They use the term instability of the ligaments. However, I would like to point out that you can also have abnormal function of the ligaments WITHOUT instability per se if there is a mechanical misalignment of the vertebrae in that area. • One way or another, it's a very important paper to offer hope for people with Chiari Malformation. It illustrates why something such as upper cervical care and the Blair Technique may be so helpful for people with Chiari malformation. • If you can restore the normal alignment and motion of the atlas (C1) vertebra, then the ligaments and muscles will better be able to repair ... and as that may happen, the nerve and fluid problems may also ease, which means being able to do things in life that you enjoy with or without the Chiari Malformation. • Dr Jeffrey Hannah • Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractor • Atlas Health Australia, • North Lakes, Brisbane