Contoura® Vision Treatment North Suburban Eye Specialists
North Suburban Eye Specialists, a technologically leading eye care center, has acquired and mastered the most advanced laser technology in the world - Alcon’s Contoura Vision Treatment, a topography-guided LASIK treatment for patients with nearsightedness and nearsightedness with astigmatism. • FDA trials for Contoura LASIK showed the best vision results for any LASIK study ever performed. See results here. Fully 1 in 3 patients obtained 20/12 vision (twice as good as 20/20). 30% of patients could see a full line better than with their glasses or contacts. After Contoura, patients had less light sensitivity and less glare than they did with their glasses or contacts, the first time this has ever been achieved in an FDA LASIK treatment study. Discover more today at