Калибровка весов для пороха Покупка и калибровка ювелирных весов 93

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Calibration scales for gunpowder | Purchase and calibration of jewelry scales #93 ● http://kitairus.ru/vch - link to the product. • ● Be sure to visit the online store of the channel: http://kitai32.ru/ - Find goods cheaper than in China! • ● Subscribe to the second channel, KITAI.RUS: http://kitairus.ru/RUS • ● Subscribe to the main channel, KITAI.RU: http://kitairus.ru/RU • 00:23 - why and what is needed calibration • 01:21 - Scale Overview • 02:15 - what is needed for calibration • 02:33 - Scale Calibration • 03:11 - verification of scales • 03:27 - where to order scales • ● Return money from purchases! http://kitairus.ru/EPN • ● Profitable EARNINGS on Shopping and Sales on the Internet: http://kitairus.ru/AM • ● The most profitable CashBack Service: http://kitairus.ru/ALME • ● Earn on AliExpress: http://kitairus.ru/EM • ● Bring back up to 20% of funds when buying in online stores! 1. http://kitairus.ru/B 2. http://kitairus.ru/L • ● The Best Bank for Online Shopping !!! • AliExpress map: http://kitairus.ru/ATa • Tinkoff Black card: http://kitairus.ru/TBb • ● Goods from China! Assistance in the Conduct of Disputes. Answers to Questions: http://vk.com/club.kitairu - Vkontakte http://ok.ru/group/52681899311271 - Odnoklassniki • ●    • Калибровка весов для пороха | Покупка...   •    / @kitairulife32   • ● Video text: • Hello to all! Today we have a new type of scale on the channel, their calibration and calibration, but for a start, for those who do not know: - what is calibration in general and why do it need to be produced on electronic scales. In simple terms, calibration of scales is the installation of a complete zero at the point of use. That is, if the scales began to show not correctly, they need to be calibrated. All scales are calibrated at the factory and in addition, all scales from our store, we calibrate additionally, before selling. So why do you need to know about calibration! 1 - When sending by mail, the load cell of the scale may get off. • 2 - You can knock down the sensor yourself by weighing something heavier than what your scale is designed for. Here, for example, the interval of weight, which is measured by these scales from 0.01-200 g. and if you throw a weight of 1 kg on them, the strain gauge can really get off and ask for calibration. 3 - Scales can simply be dropped and again the sensor will wash away terrible tears. Upon impact, shaking, pressure, a sharp deformation occurs, and it is her sensor that should be measured. It is still good that your scales have fallen off, but those that are already turned on are much worse. Strain gauge or load cell - a sensor that converts the magnitude of the deformation into an electrical signal. Everything. Enough theory and go to practice. Today we have black, plastic scales with a lid covering the platform, under which the above described sensor is located, from unnecessary pressure, shocks and deformations. Food of scales is 2 mizinchikovy batteries of type 3A. There are 4 buttons on the scale. “U” is a switch of units of measurement, there are a lot of them, but we set grams. The “N” button is also a button that almost nobody uses and it is responsible for measuring in pieces. Next is the button I - on / off. Scales, although they themselves turn off automatically and finally the last button “T” is the well-known tare function. These scales are cool, with a large platform, but still, rather stationary than wearable pocket ones, and this is due to the fact that the cover does not protect the buttons of the scales from accidental clicks, well, or you need to wear them in a box. To calibrate these scales, you need to prepare a weight or several weights, with a total weight of 200 grams. In general, all scales are calibrated with the maximum possible weight and if the maximum level of weighing your scales is 100 grams. , then the calibration weight is also 100 g., respectively 300 - 300, and if 500, then 500 g. Everything. We turn on the scale and wait until zeros are highlighted. Now we hold and hold the “U” button for about 3 seconds, until the display shows “CAL”. Press the U button again and the weight value appears, which you need to install on the weighing platform to calibrate them correctly, in our case it is 200 grams. Installed, the scales blinked for a while and the inscription PASS appeared and after that the calibration was completed and the balance returns to normal weighing. All calibration is finished, now let's do the verification. Everything. We calibrated and calibrated the scales, and you can order these and many other similar options by clicking on the links in the video description for our store. That's all, do not forget to subscribe to the channel, like, add a comment, and also share this video in your social. Networks, so that others can calmly, without straining to calibrate their scales. Bye Bye.


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