The 600 Ping Freddy Experience
The 600 Ping Freddy Experience... • Today, we played The Nightmare in DBD whilst uploading, forcing us onto 600+ PING! This challenge was oddly hilarious and a very entertaining watch, so I hope you enjoy! • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Links to my socials: • Main Channel: / @generalwarlord • Discrod Server (Updates regarding videos): / discord • TikTok: / generalwarlord • My Official Instagram: / the_general_warlord • Twitch: / generalwarlord • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught and killed. • #gaming #deadbydaylight #dbd #dbdgameplayt #deadbydaylightgameplay #dbdnew #deadbydaylightnew #dbdfunny #dbdfunnymometns #deadbydaylightfunny #deadbydaylightfunnymoments #dbdmemes #deadbydaylightmemes #skermz #demi