GODSGARDEN ONLINE 2 【本戦2日目】 ウメハラ vs sako 完全版
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=qAKyV4uKVKQ
The only remotely good vanilla vega player was a japanese player by the handle Makoto0124. He had some extremely good sets right at the start of SSF4 for godsgarden online, so if you wanna watch some ancient vega footage, check out • Godsgarden Netplay tournament - Uryo ... with epic sleepy Chris Hu and Yung Art commentary. It happened at like 4am NY time iirc lmao. • 6:42 I meant to say you needed to have CHARGE and spend a bar preemptively. I found that mistake while editing but I didn't wanna rerecord it lol. • Also that roll FADC combo is extra hilarious because it's impossible to do FADC jab strong roll due to roll's unusually long charge time. Doing three 1f links (linking jab then jab strong) gets charge but pushes out too far to combo a roll. So your only safe ender for that route simply doesn't work.