Emotionally Healthy Woman Small Group Study by Geri Scazzero Session One

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8-Session DVD and Study Guide available here: • ChristianBook.com: http://zndr.vn/1myy16D • Amazon.com: http://zndr.vn/1qLhJKx • BN.com: http://zndr.vn/1nMj4dL • Emotionally Healthy Woman Small Group Study by Geri Scazzero • Stop pretending everything is fine and change your life • According to Geri Scazzero, the journey to emotional health begins with quitting. When you quit those things that are damaging to your soul or the souls of others, you are freed up to choose other ways of being and relating that are rooted in love and lead to life. • In this eight-session video-based study, Geri teaches how biblical quitting is essential to embracing God's kingdom. The eight sessions will guide participants to a way out of inauthentic, superficial spirituality to genuine freedom in Christ. This study is for every woman who thinks, I can't keep pretending everything is fine! and who wants to discover the path to emotional health. • Grounded in Scripture, this workbook is filled with Bible study and personal applications that will help you discuss and learn to live out the teaching on the corresponding video. If you're ready to prayerfully make the kinds of courageous decisions needed to become emotionally healthy, this study is for you. • Session Titles: • 1. Quit Being Afraid of What Others Think • 2. Quit Lying • 3. Quit Dying to the Wrong Things • 4. Quit Denying Anger, Sadness, and Fear • 5. Quit Blaming • 6. Quit Overfunctioning • 7. Quit Faulty Thinking • 8. Quit Living Someone Else's Life • Geri Scazzero is the cofounder of New Life Fellowship Church in Queens, New York, where she serves on staff as a trainer in marriage and spiritual formation. Geri is also a popular conference speaker for church leaders, married couples, and women's groups, both in North America and internationally. She is coauthor of the bestselling Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course and The Emotionally Healthy Skills 2.0 curriculum. Connect with Geri on Facebook (www.facebook.com/geriscazzer) or at www.emotionallyhealthy.org.


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