How to make choux pastry cassettes
Graham Hornigold shows us how to make choux pastry cassettes. The executive pastry chef talks us through, step by step, the best way to create the cassettes and how to cook them. • The Perfect Starter (powered by The Staff Canteen), the ultimate culinary resource and a channel for training and aspiring food service professionals. It's packed with advice, tips and career guidance from a whole range of industry professionals. • Watch the world's best chefs for free. Network, add and share images, recipes, jobs and so much more. DOWNLOAD Chef+ TODAY! • DOWNLOAD CHEF+ (IOS): • • DOWNLOAD CHEF+ (ANDROID): • • The Staff Canteen, is a website for professional chefs, which offers the best chef jobs across the UK, chefs recipes, images, chef networking, and packed with features from the world's best chefs. • It's free to register, so why not join today? • • Come and join us here also • Twitter / canteentweets • Facebook / thestaffcanteen