How to make coffee with an Espresso Maker Greca using Cafe Bustelo
For me, the greca (stove top espresso maker) was a total mystery. I always saw it in the old skool kitchens of some of my favorite people but for some reason still kept a modern coffee machine. • That all changed a few years ago when we got a real deal coffee craving. I knew it was time to remix my coffee game soooooo, we picked up our very own greca and went to the dark side. The dark, aromatic, espresso side! Paired with the legendary taste of Cafe Bustelo we have not gone back! I dare you to make the switch too. =D • Join me in the kitchen as we chat about caw-fee. (shout out to my NY accent) annnnnnnd butterflies. Butterflies? Yes butterflies. • Find me at home too for mucho, mucho mas! • At home: • On Instagram: / lifestyle_remix • On Facebook: / 237676076637 • Rebecca on FB: / rebeccagitanatorres • On Twitter: / lifestyle_remix • On Tumblr: / remixyourlifestyle • P.S. I do not own Azuquita pal Cafe by El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico but I share it to keep our traditions and music alive! Azucarrrrrr!