Montreal International Anarchist Theatre Festival 2019
MONTREAL INTERNATIONAL ANARCHIST THEATRE FESTIVAL 2019 Festival International de Théâtre Anarchiste de Montréal • Video filmed edited by Jenna Welik Victor E. Rico, CUTV, 2019, Montreal • Music by Rooman Production (YouTube) • This short documentary features a few highlights from the fourteenth annual Montreal International Anarchist Theatre Festival (MIATF) 2019 – the world’s biggest anarchist theatre festival. The MIATF presented some 30 artists from seven troupes from Chile, the US, France, and Montreal for three nights of provocative, socially engaged, freedom-loving theatre, May 21st to May 22nd, 2019 at La Sala Rossa, in English, French Spanish. • The troupes who appear here are: CEETUCH Company, Rap Battles for Social Justice, Le Collectif du Geste Gauche, le Conseil de guerre et Lanterne, et Thought Experiment Productions, AnarkoArtLab + Artemis Beastes, Jesse Grindler, Babushka Theatre (Montreal) and Dire, encore. (Missing is the group Intervento di malo who performed earlier on May 17th.) • More info, en français: • In English: • / fitam.montreal