The Purple Gang teaser The Untouchables
📺 Read our episode review and breakdown here: • The Purple Gang originally aired on December 1st, 1960. Eliot Ness lands in the middle of a kidnapping and extortion scheme between Detroit's most notorious criminals and an infuriated Capone mob. • THE PURPLE GANG • Airdates: December 1st, 1960 and July 27th, 1961 • Written by John Mantley • Directed by Walter E. Grauman • Produced by Lloyd Richards • Director of Photography Charles Straumer • Co-starring Bruce Gordon, Werner Klemperer, Ilka Windish • Special Guest Star Steve Cochran • Featuring Carl Milletaire, Paul Lambert, Steven Geray, James Flavin, Rayford Barnes • ABOUT THE UNTOUCHABLES RETROSPECTIVE • Praised for its quality and famous for its drama, The Untouchables television show (1959-1963) roared like the decade it portrayed in grand, theatrical style. A controversial and Emmy award-winning series, its legacy in film and television has been felt from The Simpsons to The Sopranos. In recognition of the program's 60th Anniversary, The Untouchables Retrospective is a detailed and nostalgic account of American television's finest film noir. Learn more at • From 1959-1963, the series brought to life the nightly wars between good and evil in the streets of Prohibition Chicago. With legendary lawman Eliot Ness (Robert Stack) and his band of incorruptible agents leading the way for justice, famed reporter Walter Winchell providing staccato narration and guest stars breathing life into colorful underworld characters, the true story of The Untouchables became legend in a film noir mix of true history and Emmy award-winning fiction. • Pick up your copy of The Untouchables: The Complete Series at • FAIR USE DISCLAIMER • The Untouchables is a trademark of Paramount Pictures Corporation and copyright CBS Television and all related works used here fall under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 fair use doctrine for purposes of criticism, comment, teaching and research. • #theuntouchables #desilu #eliotness