GT KNOT vs FG KNOT The TRUTH About The Strongest Fishing Knot
I've never seen another knot with as much hype as the GT knot. • Every other day I'm getting an email telling me that it's the strongest knot out there and I need to try it out. • But is it really the strongest rated knot? • Is it actually stronger than the FG knot for braid to mono or fluorocarbon? • I decided to find out the truth for myself and test these two knots against each other using my knot testing machine. • If you're a fan of the GT knot, the results from this experiment will shock you! • But the most interesting finding is how many different knots are listed as GT Knot in youtube so there seems to be a lot of confusion. • The GT knot started getting notoriety after winning an IFGA knot contest. But the GT knot shown in that study is totally different than the more recent GT Knot videos. • For example, the following 3 videos below are now the most popular tutorials that come up when searching for the GT Knot: • TIE THE STRONGEST RATED BRAID TO MONO FISHING KNOT! (It’s not the FG KNOT) • GT knot | strongest rated BRAID to LEADER line • GT Knot Strongest Rated for Braid to Mono Non Slip Fishing Knot (Not changeFG Knot) • But none of them show the same knot that's shown in the IFGA knot results... even when some of them reference the very knot contest. • Since we keep getting the new version sent to us, we tested the most popular version of the GT knot which is essentially a uni knot and a figure eight knot and don't distribute the load equally like the FG knot does. • See the final results of this experiment in this video and be sure to share this with people you know who love the GT knot! • Have any questions about these knots? • Want me to test out any other knots against each other? • Let me know down in the comments! • Want our best fishing spots and tips, plus discounts to our online tackle store? Click here to join us in the Insider Club: • See the best knots for every situation here: • And learn how to tie the FG knot here (UPDATED):