Ben Stone Discovering amp Defeating Statist Thinking PorcFest X
A mind fogged by statism is more dangerous than a mind fogged by fear, hate or even religious zealotry. And statist thinking is easy to spot when we look around us. But, the real challenge is spotting statist thinking in our own mind, recognizing it, isolating it and rejecting it. This is the only sound path to liberty. We must remove the plank from our own eye before we seek to remove the splinter from someone else's. • Ben Stone, AKA The Bad Quaker, urges us to know our enemy and know ourselves and provides a vision of the pinnacle and subsequent death of the State. • We volunteered our time to produce this video. If you find it valuable, please donate Bitcoins to Red Pill Recording at this address: 1FCtBL4BvJYqg5ERQdfzSjynB25pUfk9jd • We can also accept donations via PayPal at: [email protected] • Thank You :-) • Please like us on Facebook or add us to your circles in Google+ or subscribe to us on YouTube. • Website: • Facebook page: / redpillrecording