VA Deferred My Rating Decision HampP Quick Hits
In our first episode of our new Quick Hit series, Attorney Rachel Cheek breaks down a common question we get asked by veterans: What is a deferred rating? . The Hill Ponton Quick Hits is our new series where our VA-Accredited Attorneys give you their quick take on pressing VA disability topics. • For a FREE Case Evaluation go here: • Visit our website at • Like us on Facebook at • Speaker: Attorney Rachel Cheek • The content of this YouTube channel is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. You should not rely upon any information contained on this YouTube channel for legal advice. Viewing this YouTube channel is not intended to and shall not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Hill and Ponton, PA. Messages or other forms of communication that you transmit to this YouTube channel will not create an attorney-client relationship and thus information contained in such communications may not be protected as privileged. Hill and Ponton, PA does not make any representation, warranty, or guarantee about the accuracy of the information contained in this YouTube channel or in links to other YouTube channels or websites. This YouTube channel is provided as is, does not represent that any outcome or result from the viewing of this channel. Your use viewing of this YouTube channel is at your own risk. You enjoy this YouTube channel and its contents only for personal, non-commercial purposes. Neither Hill and Ponton, PA, nor anyone acting on their behalf, will be liable under any circumstances for damages of any kind.