Why Does The Sky Change Colour At Sunset Light BYJUS Fun Facts

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Sunsets are inarguably the most beautiful sights in the world. It’s pleasantly bright and wonderfully colorful, isn’t it? But have you ever thought about why the sky changes color when the sun is about to set? To understand this, we may have to look at 3 major factors. The Sun, the earth’s atmosphere, and our own eyes. Now, we all know that light has 7 colours and these colours have different wavelengths; the red colour being of the highest wavelength and violet being the lowest. As sun rays hit the earth’s atmosphere, these different colours bounce off of nitrogen and oxygen molecules. The shorter wavelengths get scattered a lot more than the longer wavelengths of light. In the evenings, the sun is at a lower level and the rays have to travel for a lot longer. Hence, the blues and violets get scattered away such that they can’t even reach our eye, leaving only the reds and oranges to be visible. Now that you know the reason, go check out the sunset today and share your experience in the comments below! • 🚀 Win a NASA trip • 🎓 Up to 100% Scholarship • 💸 Cash Rewards • 🏆 Be an All-India Rank • Link: https://byjus.com/aakash-byjus-anthe2... • Now that you know the reason, go check out the sunset today and share your experience in the comments below! • For more such engaging videos, Like, Share and Subscribe to BYJU'S. • 👉 Subscribe to BYJU'S - http://bit.ly/2IYECcw • 👉 Install the BYJU'S App - http://bit.ly/Playstore-Appstore • 👉 For more interesting content - https://blog.byjus.com/the-learning-t... • Video Chapters • 0:00 - 0:44 Introduction • 0:45 - 3:41 What gives the sky its colour • 3:42 - 5:07 Why does the sky change colour at sunset • #sunset #sun #thesun #sunsettoday #sunrisetime #sunrise #sunset #risingsun #funfacts #learnfunfacts #learnwithbyjus #byjusfunfacts


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