One Step at a Time


Things will never be the same and as we learn to move forward with huge holes in our hearts we are trying to go easy on ourselves. Needless to say, this video is messy but life is really just a giant mess. • We love you Lee • Filmed over the course of the last six weeks we begin with some cabin kitchen renovations 🔨 which turn into our foster dog having a run-in with a porcupine 🤦🏻‍♀️ and then the heart-wrenching news of our best friend Lee's passing. We grieve deeply and slowly get back to filming and building our own home at our cabin in the woods. Nothing is linear and that's okay. It's okay not to be okay 💜. • ► SUBSCRIBE for a new video every single Sunday​​​ • ► The vlog continues on Instagram   / eamonandbec​​​   • We've always envisioned moving into the woods by the lake and building our dream tiny cabin as a home base for us to come back to in between our international van life travels. We cannot wait to have a place to call our own!! • Catch up on our cabin in the woods videos:​​​ • Eamon Bec Products • ↠ handmade chai blends​​​ ↞ • ↠ cookbook merch ↞ • Who are we? • We're Eamon and Bec, a Canadian couple who previously lived and traveled full-time in our self converted Sprinter Van!! When the pandemic hit in 2020 we made the difficult decision to abandon our van in Africa and fly home to Canada. Now we're here... living at a cabin in the Canadian wilderness looking forward to an amazing spring ahead 💐☀️ . • Musicbed SyncID: • MB0176GUYU857NE


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