⁴ᴷ Transit Rush At Maplewood
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=qLcYm0bbv6o
On January 4th, 2019 was trackside for the Friday evening rush along New Jersey Transit's Morristown Line At Maplewood. This former Lackawanna Station sets the mood for some interesting action while railfanning I could just imagine the Lackawanna's Phoebe Snow Train passing by. While trackside I was with Nick The Train Guy check out his channel: http://bit.ly/2lEAtfO • *For more information about those Sandwich trains cab car in front of locomotive check this video out from CBS 2 New York: • Riders Raising Eyebrows Over NJ TRANS... • *Please yes note in the opening clip yes I was close to the 2nd train but still behind the yellow line • *Please excuse lack of symbols for some trains.