WSNS Channel 44 Illinois State Lottery Super Shot Part 4 1976


Here's the fourth and final part of the Illinois State Lottery's Super Shot program on WSNS Channel 44. This was the Lottery's basketball-related game (the Super Shot signified hitting a basket). The hosts were Bob Hale and Sandie Wolsfeld. Includes: • Illinois State Lottery Super Shot bumper • Bob with Jan Madori (sp?), proxy for $100,000 winner Frank Dvoran; he then cites the horse race post positions of 6, 5, 9, 10, 3 and 8 for the 6-digit game, while Sandie reads off the numbers drawn: Wheel #6 stops at number 9, wheel #5 at 2, wheel #9 at 4, wheel #10 at 5, wheel #3 at 1, and wheel #8 at 8 - 924518, worth a shot of the next week's game if ticket holders got those numbers within the ten positions and went to their Illinois Lottery claims center office. • Bob next has Jan take out a green wheel to see who will win $40; the wheel reveals a red basketball, which if ticket holders get that color plus 149 will win that amount as opposed to just $20; if that color plus 70, will win $15 instead of $5. • Next, Bob has Jan pick five envelopes at random from a container of 100 envelopes (drawn from a bucket in Springfield, IL), to see who will qualify for the TV Classic game (grand prize $500,000) on March 19th. The first person picked is Mrs. John Showalter of Rock Island, IL; the second, F.S. Giovigno of Chicago on Nashville Street (whose surname Bob spells out); the third, John L. Robinson of Chicago (whom Jan knows); the fourth, Felix Williams of East St. Louis; IL; and the fifth, R. Kubic (sp?) of Cicero, IL. Bob then thanks Jan and gives a recap of the numbers drawn and for what amounts, and Sandie explains what lucky winners should do with their tickets. Bob and Sandie then say good night and leave the stage, while final shots of the winning numbers displayed on the boards are shown. • Voiceover (Don Ferris) advising viewers to tune in next week for more games, brought to you by the Illinois State Lottery and WSNS Channel 44 • Illinois State Lottery Super Shot bumper • Promo for upcoming T.H.E. Movie presentation of the 1938 George Raft / Sylvia Sidney film You and Me, to air next at 8pm (voiceover by Linda Frost) (tape cuts off before end of promo) • This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, February 20th 1976 during the 7:30pm to 8pm timeframe. • About The Museum of Classic Chicago Television: • The Museum of Classic Chicago Television's primary mission is the preservation and display of off-air, early home videotape recordings (70s and early 80s, primarily) recorded off of any and all Chicago TV channels; footage which would likely be lost if not sought out and preserved digitally. Even though (mostly) short clips are displayed here, we preserve the entire broadcasts in our archives - the complete programs with breaks (or however much is present on the tape), for historical purposes. For information on how to help in our mission, to donate or lend tapes to be converted to DVD, and to view more of the 4,000+ (and counting) video clips available for viewing in our online archive, please visit us at: •


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