Minecraft Alpha 126 Server 2020 AlphaPlace
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=qMxeBCMrEHA
You can now join the server on A1.2.6 using the AlphaPlace Client V2 or mpmod. You can find the tutorial for that on our YT channel or by going to https://alphaplace.net/how-to-join • The reason a mod is needed for A1.2.6 is because the multiplayer is unsecure and is not viable for a public server if not modified to be more secure and better. • If you do not want to install a mod then you can play on B1.0.2 - B1.1_02 completely vanilla. • Read the description of the video for more information. • • AlphaPlace is a minecraft server that is dedicated to our player's nostalgia. • Our ip is AlphaPlace.tk/AlphaPlace.net (only alphaplace.net works now)(no caps needed) • We are running beta 1.1_02, Like BasCraft was • AlphaPlace uses similar plugins to what BasCraft uses, some BasCraft has but AlphaPlace doesn't, some AlphaPlace has some bascraft doesn't. You can do /listplugins ingame to check • To join you will need Multimc, retrowrapper, or the old beta launcher • plugins: CuboidPlugin,AuthCraft,VPNDetector,WorldProtect,DeathNotify,LogBlock,ExactSpawn,LeafDropper,MagicCarpet,WorldEdit,WorldGuard,WorldSave,Compazz,MVoter,LegacyTracker,GriefLogger,ValidNames,ChestProtection,BigBrother,Vanish,iChat,AntiCheat,Colorizor,VPNDetector,Towny,Teleport,AntiReach,AlphaLink,map,SimpleBroadCaster • / discord • How to join: • Video • Enjoy