Pet Roulette 12


VOTE ON POLL: • 🔴 Livestream -   / imadrum   • 💬Discord -   / discord   • 🐦Twitter -   / imadrum   • Support the channel by becoming a member! •    / @imadrum   • OSRS OFFICIAL CLAN CHAT NAME IN GAME: • 'Lucky' • Must be in world 307, join clan chat as a guest (search the name Lucky ), click settings, and apply! • Music and SFX by Epidemicsounds • My referral link below: • • _________________________ • • ABOUT PET ROULETTE • The Main purpose of this series is of course, to eventually get every pet in the game. • I currently have 3 pets at time moment this video goes live. Kraken, Skotos, and Bloodhound. So these pets are not included in the wheel selection. • Skilling pets are also currently not listed on the wheel. Why? I figured people might not want to watch a full video of me trying to obtain a skilling pet, vs. a PvM/Bossing one. However, I will be going for skilling pets passively when afking in game and when I'm not bossing. • Zuk is also not currently not on the wheel just yet, but will be in the future. I have personal goals I want to achieve first before I put that one on the wheel. Those goals being: Tbow (obtained), Ely Shield, and the Jad Pet. The ely shield is subjective, but as a personal goal, I thought it'd be cool to get the Jad pet before I get the Zuk pet. • Misc. Pets not included in the wheel: Tiny Tempor, Smolcano, Phoenix, Penance queen, Lil'creator, Chompy chick. I have future plans for some of these to host community events on my livestream and discord server for future videos. • If and when I receive any of the Slayer specific bosses (Abyssal Sire, Cerberus, Thermonuclear Smoke Devil, Grotesque Guardians), I do not plan to skip a lot of tasks just to get them, as I am trying to save my points to eventually get all Slayer Helmets in the game. Also, since I will need to constantly do different slayer tasks, if I do happen to potentially get a task that I CAN do another boss, I will do it, unless people want me to do the lower versions (hell hounds, gargoyles, abyssal demons, smoke devils) in order to get through that task faster, and only focus on that chosen boss. • RULES/GUIDELINES OF PET ROULETTE • 1. I will spin the wheel 2 times to generate 2 random bosses per episode. • 2. I will wait 24 hours (at the time the video is uploaded) for everyone to cast their votes on the strawpoll and/or comments before the boss is locked in, and I will then begin camping that boss for two weeks. • 3. In the slight chance I receive the pet for the boss selected for that episode, I will defer to the boss that came in 2nd place for the remainder of the 2 weeks. • 4. If the votes are an even 50/50, I will alternate the bosses through out the course of the 2 weeks. • #OldSchoolRS​ #OldSchoolRuneScape​ #OSRS​


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