ShinHan PWC 5 Neutrals Watercolor Swatch Tests


Shinhan PWC dot card available here: • • No need to turn up your volume. There is no audio. I'm painting (creating) in hiding so that includes the need to be quiet. • Also if anyone is interested in seeing more like this, please let me know. • 💙instagram:   / paintinhiding   • 💙blog: • Jackson's Art - affiliate link (If you'd like to support my channel, please consider using the affiliate link below. I will receive a small commission that I can put towards funding this channel at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your consideration! :D) • • • 💙 Gift Vouchers - • 💙 Amazon Wishlist - • ------------- • Shinhan PWC dot card blog post • • --------- • feel free to comment below if you have any questions :) • • disclaimer: i bought this dot chart myself. i am not sponsored. • • The dot chart came in a clear plastic sleeve, sealed with a thick paper towards the top and stapled. Once opened, I cut the ‘wax’ paper in half down the middle so it was easier to peel off. I don’t know what the ‘wax’ paper is called. I peeled it slowly to ensure no ripping of the wax paper and to prevent it from sticking to the dots. Overall, it was very good. Only a few dots had the paper stuck on but was easily removed with the wet brush. • • used a synthetic brush size 8, dipped in clean water and slide it onto side of water cup to wring out excess water. then use the moist brush to brush the dots. • • in general, all the colours were very easy to rewet, vibrant, and pigmented. with a few exceptions that i’ll put asterisks next to. (like this ***) - shown in the blog post • • note about the paper the dot chart is on: it feels like decent watercolour paper however… i don’t know if it has sizing. mine seems to have either lost its sizing or never had sizing to begin with. that’s why you can see me trying to get more clean water to get the paint to have a more diluted wash in the first several swatches, which didn’t turn out well. so later on i started just doing the swatches with one continuous stroke. for those of you who have experience with unsized paper, i’m sure you can see my struggle and see how i adapted later. • • I typed up a lot of text about my observations of each colour. Apparently there's a text limit for this description box so I'll be posting that on my blog.


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