Road Assembly in Geometric Design of Highways
Road Design Module of ESurvey CADD Addresses all Road Assembly Requirements including Main carriageway (Both Undivided Carriageway, Divided Carriageway), Cut Fill slopes, Drains, Service roads. The main carriageway can be defined with various road layers such as bituminous, wet mix macadam, subgrade, sub-assembly, etc. • Read More: • • Assembly – Undivided Carriageway, Divided Carriageway, and Components • In the previous video, you have learned how to apply an assembly along an alignment. In this video, you will learn more about designing a complete assembly along with its components. • An assembly is a combination of several components like • Main carriageway • Cut Fill slopes • Drains • Service roads • In ESurvey CADD we can combine all these components together to form a complete assembly and apply it along the alignment. • Main Carriage Way • The main carriageway further has sub-items like Median, Carriage Way, Paved Shoulder, Earthen Shoulder. • Let us create a divided carriageway and understand all the related items. To create an assembly you have to button next to Assembly dropdown. You create an assembly by name TCS1 (TCS stands for Typical Cross Section or any name is allowed). Select TCS1 from assembly drop down and now ‘component details ‘ group gets enabled. You select ‘Main Road’ from component type. Click on the button next to the component, which opens the ‘Road Default’ window. Here you can refer to various parameters related to main roads such as median width, Cross fall on either side, Kerb details. You can also mention Carriageway width, Camber, Paved Shoulder width, Earthen Shoulder width and camber, and Side Slope ratio. If required update the values as per project requirement. Updating values here are like updating the default. Further, these factors can be changed for each Assembly if required. Close Road Defaults window. • Now click the button next to the Component drop-down. Since we have selected the main road as component type, Road Type will have selected items of the component type. We can define multiple road base. You create a Road base as ‘Main’ and select the same. • We can enable the Median as we are defining a divided carriageway here. We can select items like paved shoulder, earthen shoulder and side slope on either side. If we have to align the left carriageway of the road on LME and Right Carriageway on RME, then respective alignments can be selected from the dropdown. After making the required selection, click on the ‘Create’ button to update the ‘Main’ road base. Once it is saved, by default it will have some design layers such as BC, DBM, etc. You can modify each layer height, starting point, extend the property, inner width, outer width hatch property for each design layer. You can either delete the existing design layer or add more layers in this window. After making the necessary changes, click on the apply button. We can also configure which of these items has to be reflected in the area table when we generate the cross-section by clicking on the ‘Area’ button. • After coming back to the ‘Create Road Assembly’ window after defining the Road base, we can select the same from the component dropdown. Now you have to specify a reference point for an application if you want this component to run on Parent alignment then select Absolute as your choice. If you want this component to run on any specified alignment, then select that alignment name. • Click on the Save button to add this component to the selected assembly. With this, we have defined the main road for the project. We have the option to select each component that we add to assembly to be considered for earthwork calculation or not. • If you have to assign a block drawing at any of the component points, we can assign the same by clicking on the block button and then selecting the respective component item and related drawing. For example, you want to show a Tree block at the center of the Median, such requirements can be met with ESurvey CADD. • Now we can add other components to assembly if required. • Let us say you want to add cut fill slope to the main road. Then click on New, Select cut fill slope click on drop down button next to component, create required cut fill items say CFL and CFR to represent Cut fill Left and Cut fill Right. Select CFL from the drop-down select left side and give the filling slope and cutting slope and save it in the “Cut Fill Slopes” window. Close the window and select CFL from the component dropdown. Select ‘Main_Base_Left’ component from the reference dropdown. Here select ‘Left Most’ as the reference point you can also give the offsets in terms of X and Y Click on Save. You may note that the new component gets added to the existing assembly component list. • Read More: •