Difference between Myopia Near Sightedness amp Hyperopia FarSightedness
In this video, I'm going to talk about how I fixed my astigmatism naturally. First you need to understand what astigmatism is. Next you need to understand how you creating it, before you can understand how to fix it. • To rewatch this video on Can You Fix Astigmatism Naturally? How I Did It!, Click Here: • Can You Fix Astigmatism Naturally? Ho... • Information on Dr. Elliott Forrest and Dr. Harris. • https://www.reviewofoptometry.com/art... • One day I woke up seeing more clearly than before and I asked myself, Can you improve eyesight naturally? It was that question that started me on my journey of natural vision improvement. When I started, my Left Eye was -5.00 with -1 for astigmatism correction, 80 degree axis and my Right Eye was -4.00. I initially started with the Bates Method and then learned about active focus and reduced lenses. After a couple months of trying things, I got my first clear flash and without glasses! I was seeing perfectly clearly for a few seconds. This changed the way I looked at vision restoration, and it's when my journey truly began. • I'm now seeing perfect clear 90-95% of the time. • Optometrist confirmation will be coming soon! • This Youtube channel is about how I improved my nearsighted vision (myopia) naturally without surgery. I found that relaxation and habit changes, not eye exercises, lead to better vision. • To learn more about the Advanced Journey Guide click here: • https://mimsee2020.com/mimajg • Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and I'm not giving medical advice. I am simply telling the world what I did to improve my vision. This information offered for educational purposes only.