Surgery Talk — Body Lift Recovery Pain 🛌


Each patient will tolerate pain post-operatively in a different way, and we consider this. While some patients may describe the pain as an ache, others experience greater discomfort. Appropriate pain medications are prescribed for the post-operative patients, and these help minimize discomfort. Most facial cosmetic operations have minimal discomfort post- operatively. Liposuction is slightly more uncomfortable, and operations that require elevation or tightening of the muscles-such as an abdominoplasty and body lift have discomfort equal to that of a C-section. • Dr. Agha has spent the last 15+ years, perfecting the art of aesthetic facial surgery, breast reshaping, and body contouring. During this time, he has pioneered new techniques in the field of plastic surgery and figuring out the best medications to place his patients on after they undergo his extensive procedures. Shireen herself can attest to his brilliant collection of meds that helped comfort her recovery. 😌 • The length of time it takes to recuperate after surgery varies depending on the procedure performed and the person operated on. All patients are encouraged to start a slow walking routine on the second postoperative day. Regular aerobic and more vigorous activities are not allowed during the first 4 weeks in order to decrease the risks of bleeding, swelling, and bruising. Weight lifting and contact sports are allowed at 6 weeks in most cases. • What questions do you have for Shireen and Roma? Let us know in the comments below so we can address in the next video! ✨ • . • . • . • . • #vsg #wls #topplasticsurgeon #surgerytalk #podcast #realtalk #weightlossjourney #drsiamakagha #plasticsurgery #medstudent #residency #plasticsresidency #medicaleducation #medtraining #medsurg #surgeryeducation #informeddecision


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