Presidents Song 145
Updated (1-46): • Presidents Song (1-46) • Has been used with 4th and 5th graders: I do two presidents at a time: show one president slide first (no music), explain what the lyrics mean (give history) and what the pictures are, teach that part of the song only. Then do the second president the same way, then review both together with the music. The next day we do the same, adding two more presidents, then sing all four together. Etc. This is a very effective way for them to learn the song. By the end, they have it memorized. Once you teach it, just review it once a day; then they really know it well. • Credits: • Verses 1-44 sung by the 2014-2015 fifth grade class of the International Christian School of Budapest under the direction of Miss Liz Crachi (I am not a music teacher this was just my class for the year). • -Students: Geri Baboçi, Ádám Csapó, Nóra Cseh, Anna Dove, Bali Góczán, Laura Hawkins, Lili Hirholcz, Dani Krupp, Noemi Matuszczak, Domi Nemescsói, Chloe Pollard, Lily Shaw, Virág Szabó, Blanka Szegedi, Mátyás Tatár, Ema Tavşancea, Szonja Török. • Verse 45 and end sung by the 2016-2017 fourth grade class of Loudonville Christian School under the direction of Miss Liz Crachi (I am not a music teacher this was just my class for the year). • -Students: Michael A., George Arakelian, Jack Bibighaus, Leina Bigham, Coya D., Isaiah Forney, Ben Hoffman, Russel Irish, Katherine Johnson, Everest Kuang, Jakob Lamb, Ashley Lee, Josiah Mo, Ryan O'Connell, Rachael Phillips, Ethan Quadrini, Isabella Rizzo, Lauren Rooney, Joshua Roopchand, Mae Thompson, Austin Yim, Cooper Yim. • -YouTube video help: Dan Barr. • -Recording device from Jason Purificato. • -Lyrics from “The American Presidents” by Genevieve Madeline Ryan: (tune changed to make it easier for kids to learn; lyrics slightly changed for rhythm of a different song , also because I wanted more info for some presidents, and everything after 44 is mine): • -All pictures are mine except: • -Presidential pictures taken from • -Currency pictures $50 and above from and • -The Louisiana Purchase map: • -War of 1812 picture: https://thewindsornaysayer.files.word... • -Monroe Doctrine: • -Seal: