20 Dance Styles From Around The World
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http://www.sequencedanceuk.com Shannah and Phil dance through the Ria Bachata to music. • This 2019 dance was not entered on the inventive circuit, but is the creation of Marianne Teconi (AISTD) to offer a fun, easy to pick up, introduction to the Bachata rhythm. The Bachata originated in the Dominican Republic and has a similar feel to the Salsa, but with slightly slower, more fluid music. • • Marianne sent me the following information regarding the background of the dance • • Ria Bachata has been given it's name in memory of a dear friend who lost her battle with cancer on Friday 29th November 2019. Because she loved dancing bachata so much, I thought it would be fitting to name the Bachata sequence dance in her memory. Before she passed, I videoed my class dancing it, showed her, she loved it and tears rolled down her face. She was so touched that a dance was going to be named after her. Ria ran the classes with her husband at Nice 'n' Easy Dance Studios in Bournemouth, where I taught it and where everyone is now enjoying dancing the routine. Those of us who knew and loved Ria will always remember her every time we dance Ria Bachata. I hope everyone enjoys dancing it at their dance evenings and parties and that it brings lots of smiles to everyone - because that is what she would want • • We hope you enjoy giving this new sequence rhythm a try - and welcome any feedback you may have. • • RIA BACHATA • • Choreographed by Marianne Teconi • • Music: Senorita by Camila Cabello • • Bachata is in 4/4 time with a count from 1-8 Tempo: 30bpm • • Commence in double hand hold. Man facing wall, Lady facing centre. • • • • Bar • • 1 *LF to side, close RF to LF, LF to side, tap RF to LF (Lady RF to side, close LF to RF, RF to side, tap LF to RF) • • 2 RF to side, close LF to RF, RF to side, tap LF to RF (Lady LF to side, close RF to LF, LF to side, tap RF to LF) • • 3 LF to side, close RF to LF, LF to side, tap RF to LF (Lady RF to side, close LF to RF, RF to side, tap LF to RF) • • 4 Rpt Bar 2 leading lady into cuddle hold and turning left, ending facing LOD (Lady LRL into cuddle hold facing LOD) • • • • Facing LOD: • • 5 Walk fwd LRL tap RF to LF (Lady walk fwd RLR tap LF to RF) • • 6 Walk fwd RLR tap LF to RF (Lady walk fwd LRL tap RF to LF) • • 7 Rolling off the arm to side-by-side position, (Man basic to left*) - both pointing inside foot towards each other • • 8 Change places leading lady to pass in front taking her R hand at end of move: RF to side, LF crosses RF, RF to side, tap LF to RF • • (Lady LF to side, RF crosses LF, LF to side, tap RF to LF) • • • • Commence facing LOD, R to L hold, Single Steps: • • • • 9 Facing LOD, step LF to side towards lady, tap RF to LF (Lady RF to side, tap LF to RF) (1,2) • • Start turning towards partner: Step away from partner RF to side (approx 45° to left) , tap LF to RF • • (Lady LF to side (approx. 45° to right) tap RF to LF) (3,4) • • 10 Step in towards partner LF to side, tap RF to LF (Lady RF to side, tap LF to RF) (5,6) • • Facing partner and move into closed hold, RF to side, tap LF to RF (Lady LF to side, tap RF to LF) (7,8) • • • • In closed hold Man facing centre, Lady facing wall: • • 11 Point and tap LF to side, tap LF to RF (with shaping, upper body to left), LF to side, tap RF to LF • (Lady point and tap RF to side, tap RF to LF (with shaping, upper body to right), RF to side, tap LF to • RF) • 12 Point and tap RF to side, tap RF to LF (with shaping, upper body to right), RF to side, tap LF to RF • (Lady point and tap LF to side, tap LF to RF (with shaping, upper body to left), LF to side, tap RF to LF • 13 LF to side, close RF to LF, LF to side, tap RF to LF (Lady RF to side, close LF to RF, RF to side, tap LF to • RF) • 14 Leading lady into travelling left turn with left hand, RF to side, close LF to RF, RF to side, tap RF to LF • allowing lady to end at the right side of man by taking slightly smaller steps (Lady turning left LRL tap • RF to LF) • 15 Man turns to left under arm, LRL tap RF to LF with right arm outstretched to side (on 4), lady passes • behind man with L hand on hip RLR point LF to side with left arm outstretched to side (on 4) • 16 Bachata basic on spot, RLR tap LF, turning lady underarm to her right with her L hand on her hip, LRL • tap RF