Panda Basi eating cute 熊猫巴斯吃饭饭 2012
Panda BaSi reaches the age of 32, which is roughly equals the human age of 128 years old, in 2012. This is Basi lunch time. The keeper gave Basi some health products in a small bowl first, then fed Basi with a large bowl of special formula veg food to her. Basi is still so cute and adorable even though she becomes an old lady. • Here is her early show in 1991: • • Panda Basi 1991 Spring Festival show ... • 2012年08月18日 下午,32岁(相当于人类的128岁)高龄的熊猫巴斯吃午餐。饲养员先喂了一小盆保健品,然后给巴斯喂大盆配方菜。 巴斯当老太太也还是这么可爱。 • 熊猫巴斯昔日的风采: • • Panda Basi 1991 Spring Festival show ... • About Panda BaSi • ======================= • One panda year to human year rate is 1:4. Panda BaSi reaches the age of 32, which is roughly equals the human age of 128 years old, in 2012. BaSi, the oldest panda in China, is taken care at Fuzhou Panda World in Fuzhou, Fujian province, China. • In the early 1980s, wild arrow bamboo bloomed and died in the panda's habitat in southwest China's Sichuan Province. The arrow bamboo blooms every 60 years. It requires at least 10 years for new bamboo to grow and become edible for pandas. That placed pandas in danger of collective starvation. • Basi was one of them. She was first saved by Xingyu Lee, a farmer from Yongfu Village of Baoxing County. On Feb. 2, 1984, Lee was passing a bridge on her way to collect firewood when she saw a panda struggling fiercely in the river. The panda was stuck between stones, and might have slipped into the river when coming downhill for food. • Lee and villagers quickly pulled the animal from the freezing water and gently warmed it with their jackets. The next day, Lee sent the panda to the Wolong Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Sichuan, and she named it Basi after the Basi Creak, where the creature was saved. • After moving from the wild to man-made homes, pandas did not need to look for food. They could spend all their time between meals sleeping. So it's quite essential to find them something to play with to build up their bodies. Basi was arranged some fun training everyday. Basi was very smart and a fast learner. • Basi learned to walk upright and even shoot baskets. In 1987, the San Diego Zoo invited her for shows. Basi attracted around 2.5 million visitors during her six-month stay in the United States and amazed many visitors by her gym show. She was honored as the Stunt Panda . • In 1990, she was chosen as the prototype for Pan Pan, the mascot of the Beijing Asian Games. • After she returned from the U.S., the Beijing Asian Games organizing committee invited Basi to perform in Beijing, and later decided to use her as the prototype for Pan Pan, the mascot for the 1990 Beijing Asian Games. Basi became a part of the whole country's image. • Basi was then pretty, active, energetic and quite cooperative. She can fully represent our mascot Pan Pan, said Liu Zhongren, designer of the mascot of 1990 Beijing Asian Games • Basi rose to be a big star. After the Beijing Asian Games, she was invited to shows all around the country. No panda had ever drawn such extensive attention before, and more people got fascinated by the cute creature. • • ======================= • 熊猫巴斯简介: • ======================= • 巴斯 是一只雌性熊猫,素有 美女熊猫 之称 ,1990亚运会吉祥物名扬天下 盼盼 的原型,1980年出生于四川宝兴县巴斯沟。在 巴斯 3岁那年,巴斯沟遭遇了一场60年不遇的箭竹竹子开花, 巴斯 快饿昏了,觅食时又被鬣狗追赶,不小心被大水冲进了零下30多度冰河河道,很幸运 熊猫 巴斯 大难不死,被当地一名村民李兴玉发现而得救,李兴玉为其取名 巴斯 。 • 熊猫岁数和人的岁数比例为1:4。 2012年熊猫巴斯相当于人类的128岁的高龄。现在福州大熊猫研究中心(福州熊猫世界)养老。 • 昔日的 巴斯 在饲养人员精心呵护和调教下,逐步成长为世界级巨星:能晃板、骑车、投篮、举重等。 • 1987年, 巴斯 受国家林业部派遣,代表中国野生动物保护协会远涉重洋,赴美国圣地亚哥市表演技艺,在美国的半年时间里,美国、日本、法国、加拿大等9个国家的750多家报刊、电视台、广播电台发出相关新闻近2万条,将 巴斯 表演盛况传遍全世界,曾被誉为 特技熊猫 友谊天使 天皇巨星 等。 • 1990年, 巴斯 应亚运会组委会邀请赴北京参加第十一届亚运会相关活动,自此摇身一变,成为亚运会的吉祥物 盼盼 名扬天下。 • 1991年, 巴斯 应中央电视台邀请参加全国春节联欢晚会。 • • Watch funny videos and pictures at: • You are invited to be my friend on: • facebook - / • twitter - / funnyanimalnet