Radioactive Iodine Treatment What to Expect Afterward
Controlling BPD meltdowns and acting out is one of the greatest challenges to having BPD. Urges often lead to engaging in maladaptive patterns, and one of my channel's paramount objectives is to help to identify these urges and manage them. Not an easy task, but also not impossible – though it may feel that way sometimes. • We all have urges, but what are they? Well, an urge is simply a strong desire or impulse to do something. These can be activated by many different things, such as external or internal triggers. Common triggers for those with BPD leading to intense urges include negative affect and poor self-concept and an unstable self-image. • Negative affect, according to the BPD criteria from the Alternative Model for Personality Disorder includes emotional lability, anxiousness, separation insecurity, and depressivity; my latest book explores BPD using this model – add picture – if you want to learn more. • Try the exercise mentioned in the video often to build the skill. Don't just try it when activated and contending with intense urges, but try it with minor ones too. Like ice-skating, it takes time and practice to get good. • Daniel J. Fox, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in Texas, international speaker, and a multi-award winning author. He has been specializing in the treatment and assessment of individuals with personality disorders for over 15 years in the state and federal prison system, universities, and in private practice. His specialty areas include personality disorders, ethics, burnout prevention, and emotional intelligence. • He has published several articles in these areas and is the author of: • Antisocial, Narcissistic, and Borderline Personality Disorders: A New Conceptualization of Development, Reinforcement, Expression, and Treatment. Available at: • The Borderline Personality Disorder Workbook: An Integrative Program to Understand and Manage Your BPD. Available at: • Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic and Histrionic Workbook: Treatment Strategies for Cluster B Personality Disorders (IPBA Benjamin Franklin Gold Award Winner): • Narcissistic Personality Disorder Toolbox: 55 Practical Treatment Techniques for Clients, Their Parents Their Children (IPBA Benjamin Franklin Silver Award Winner):: • The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment of Personality Disorders: • Dr. Fox has given numerous workshops and seminars on ethics and personality disorders, personality disorders and crime, treatment solutions for treating clients along the antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, and histrionic personality spectrum, emotional intelligence, managing mental health within the prison system, and others. Dr. Fox maintains a website of various treatment interventions focused on working with and attenuating the symptomatology related to individuals along the antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, and histrionic personality spectrum ( • YouTube: / drdanielfox • Dr. Fox's website: • Facebook: / appliedpsychservices • Twitter: / drdanieljfox1 • LinkedIn: / drdfox • Instagram: / drdfox • Amazon Author's Page: • Videos edited by Emil Christopher: [email protected] • Thank you for your attention and I hope you enjoy my videos and find them helpful and subscribe. I always welcome topic suggestions and comments. • 00:00 Introduction • 01:25 Negative affect • 02:20 Anxiousness • 04:21 Depressivity • 06:05 Urges • 08:16 Emptiness • 09:53 Acting opposite • 13:23 Strategies to overcome BPD