THE WiLL LA VOLONTE πŸšΆπŸ½β€πŸƒπŸ½β€πŸƒπŸ½β€


I do not claim to know for others but I exchange what I perceive for my evolution and possibly the evolution of humanity. • All forms that we learn with the mind can be very quickly misinterpreted, I would even say, they are most of the time, if not completely. • It is not the mind that understands because it cannot live the energy of the form. It tries to theorize but it will never be what it is. • This is why humility can very quickly become submission • This is why will can very quickly become obsession • This is why love can very quickly become possession • I do not have much experience of humility. Peace to my soul. And yes, I understand that I have some ego. I will justify myself, this is what allowed me to stop being crushed by some humans. • Humility, which for me is love, I had to learn its opposite in order to have a place. However, I am still learning to use it, and that is where I find it interesting because it forces me to develop intelligence and heart. • In this area, I can perceive that I lack understanding or not. Why in the spiritual, do they wage war on humility? I read that it is pride. I want to say that it is just a lack of intelligence to be proud. And I am willing to believe that intelligence is very important, because it is an area that I have had to develop a lot. • Well yes, a lack of intelligence, I am talking about intelligence which is the energy of the spirit therefore of a high vibration that wants us well, can seem proud, but no. It is just that he knows. Ha I understand why many people do not like Bernard de Montreal. • It's always the same, the positioning of the lower ego is not the same energy as the positioning of the spirit. That's why if we want to know, it's the vibration that we have to look at. • Humility is not part of the mind. However, the spirit does not submit. • For the will, it is rather observation that allowed me to become aware. The example of my mother. She had an iron will to the point of euthanizing herself. And it was only at her last moment that she expressed her inability to let go while she was alive. Even her death bent to her will. • I have experienced laziness, the opposite of will. But I have also experienced will. The will that awakens when joy is there. When something tells me you must do this . • In all this, I perceive the will of the ego and the lower mind, and the will of the spirit. • However, it is true that sometimes, you just have to take one step for the rest to follow. Why? Because as long as you are in the imagination, it is not the spirit. It is said that only the spirit moves our body. Now is it the spirit of matter or the one that is outside of all form and matter? It is a bit the same thing in the end. • But on this point I will not go further. What interests me here is that I hear that you have to force yourself to act. And on this point, I do not totally agree. • As I said: yes, one step, and off you go! But if you take a step and the motivation is still not there, it is that, perhaps, it is not the spirit but the formatting, the belief, the automatisms that make you act. • And if you get sick then it seems to me that it is sure that it is not the spirit. • It is still very subtle. Because our beliefs are also at play, the power of belief. It may not be the spirit but as we are powerful creators, we can go beyond matter. • In fact, here is what I wonder. I saw my mother destroy herself by her will. Never sick because her belief in doing the right things. Then in 5 years, the fall of the body and her decision to end it because of her refusal of some things. However, it is the illness that finally makes her understand that you can have all the knowledge and practices, and yet it does not work. Something turned against her. This inner shadow that she did not want to let go. • That is why the will has its necessity but if we do not develop the heart and its intelligence at the same time, it turns against us. • There it is clearer I think. So the will, yes but not only that. • And love. Should I develop this point? Well I think I have already spoken about it. And I think it is the most complex point. • To put it simply, neutrality and warmth. • --------- • Je ne prétends pas savoir pour les autres mais j’echange ce que je percois pour mon évolution et éventuellement l’évolution de l’humanité. • Toutes formes que l’on apprend avec le mental peuvent être très vite mal interprétée, je dirais meme, quelles le sont la majorité du temps, si ce n’est pas complètement. • Ce n’est pas le mental qui comprends parce qu’il ne peut pas vivre l’énergie de la forme. Il essaie de théoriser mais jamais il ne sera ce que c’est. • C’est pourquoi l’humilité peut très vite devenir soumission • c’est pourquoi la volonté peut très vite devenir obsession • C’est pourquoi l’amour peut très vite devenir possession • ..... • lien de la video:    • THE WiLL // LA VOLONTE πŸšΆπŸ½‍πŸƒπŸ½‍πŸƒπŸ½‍  


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