Lets Make DCS BETTER DCS World Players Survey 2024

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=qaBR4sKnN0s

Survey Link: https://forms.gle/RD1xBvNNDYuYVgrw7 • Hey guys! It’s that time of year again! It’s time for our annual DCS World Players Survey, 2024 edition pinned in the comments section and description! • Thanks to all of you guys out there, our DCS Players Survey is the Largest survey and collection of information about DCS World pilots outside of Eagle Dynamics’ internal sales figures! • Last year’s survey had around 4000 participants and I think we can definitely break that and get even better and more accurate results that better reflect the DCS World Community’s tastes and preferences as well as wants and desires for the future. • The results of past surveys are used to better inform myself on what kind of content you guys would like to see on the channel going forward as well as what my community would like to see from my mission making efforts! • However, one thing I was not really expecting when I started putting out this survey and collecting the results was the interest from both Active and Prospective 3rd Party Developers who wanted to get a deeper insight into the likes and dislikes of the DCS World Playerbase as they planned out their future module development roadmaps. • While I won’t divulge which developers I have talked to due to NDA’s and various verbal agreements, I like to think the insights into the DCS Community brought about by my Surveys have helped Dev’s development efforts be as successful as possible while also bringing dcs world players the aircraft and maps they want! • This aspect of it is really important to me personally as a huge fan and supporter of DCS World! • Because DCS is a labor of love for all of the developers and content creators out there, the more we can create a positive feedback loop of showing the developers what we want, devs then tackling those projects, that then turn out to be successful, then allows those devs to turn around and create even more of what the community wants! • I believe a great example of this is Aerges who has created a beautiful rendition of the Mirage F1, a jet I personally have always wanted to have in DCS World, this module was successful and now they are working on a jet that the community has asked for for a very long time now, the F-104 Starfighter! • And beyond that I of course like to make sure we are creating the kind of content that you guys like to see here on YouTube to make our videos as successful as possible so that the YouTube algorithm will capture the videos and spread them far and wide because DCS World’s growth is nearly 100% organic through YouTube content, internet searches which inevitably lead to YouTube Content and word of mouth through family and friends! • And of course the more DCS World can grow and flourish the more awesome maps and aircraft we will see in the future… • Maybe even a DCS: Vietnam or DCS: Southeast Asia map… One can only dream of rolling in on the Dragon’s Jaw Bridge in a DCS F-105 Thunderchief… But maybe one day… • Thanks for watching guys, and truly thank you for taking the time to take the survey, pinned in the comments section and in the description! • Fly Safe, and enjoy this beautiful game! • • ►►System Specs DCS/Gaming PC: • GPU: GeForce RTX 3090 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900K CPU @ 5.20GHz • Memory: 64 GB RAM 3600mhz • Current resolution: 2560 x 1080, 144Hz • ►►System Specs Dedicated Server/Video Editing PC: • GPU: GeForce RTX 2080 Ti • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X @ 3.9GHz • Memory: 32GB RAM • ►►Here is a link to my Patreon Page every bit of support helps make awesome DCS videos and missions possible! •   / spudknocker   • ►►If you want to contact me with feedback on videos or want to collaborate feel free to join my personal discord here: •   / discord   • ►►And if you do donate to my Patreon make sure to link your discord account for your Roles in my Discord server.


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