ALL Bonus Levels in Bacon The Game


If you appreciate the help please consider buying me a coffee! ---} FINAL Bonus Level!!*ALL* Bonus Levels in Bacon - The Game! • Bacon - The Game bonus levels 1-48 • Bacon the game levels 131-178 • Thanks for Watching! If you think this video deserves a Sub..... Well what are you waiting for! No really, please hit that button I really appreciate all the support! • • The Bacon the game final bonus level gets beaten in this video! Bacon the game bonus level 48 was pretty much like torture. BUT it's finally over! You will see All bacon the game bonus levels in this video. I'll say that again ALL bonus levels in bacon the game. That is right! If you are struggling on bacon the game bonus levels 1-48 this video has your answers. Bacon the game levels 131-178 took me some time to beat but hopefully with this as your Bacon the game how to it will be easier for you. • • Mmmmmmmm, Bacon! What is better than bacon for breakfast? How about bacon on your phone in the form of Bacon the game! In Bacon the game the object is to flip bacon on to a variety of objects. Sounds easy enough! It starts with your hand moving onto the screen holding a piece of bacon. You then drop the bacon onto a hot pan and as the bacon sizzles and begins to slide off the pan you flip it from your pan on to one of hundreds of objects. The objects in Bacon the game include things like pieces of art, hair dryers, money, the moon, burgers, fries, toilets, wine, bottles of milk, salads, reviews of the game itself, and many, many more. As you will see in the video some of the objects can be both funny and weird! Now for your Bacon the Game How to! • Wondering how to play Bacon the game? Here are some Bacon the Game tips to consider. Bacon the game tip #1. As your hand appears on the screen the bacon is swings back and forth. You can use this to your advantage. On some levels you will be able to drop the bacon directly from your hand onto the object if you time the swinging correctly. Bacon the game # 2. When you tap the screen the bacon will fall from your hand. The timing of this is important to consider. One thing that has helped me is holding the pan so that it is level. The resting position of the pan is at a downward angle. If you just tap the screen the bacon will fall and then slide from the pan. So, by holding the pan level the bacon will stay in the pan longer and allow you to control the bacon better. Bacon the Game tip # 3. Practice with the position of the bacon in the pan. As you flip the bacon in Bacon the game the location of the bacon in the pan is what determines the distance the bacon will travel. Hopefully these Bacon the game tips and tricks will allow you to have success. • If you are curious I am playing the Bacon the Game Ios version. So, let’s play Bacon the Game! Watch as I complete Bacon the Game levels 131-178 or as they are also known Bacon the game bonus levels 1-48. That's right All of the Endless chat levels! Bacon the game has begun to get more challenging as I have reached these higher levels. They throw an easy level in every so often so you don't feel like you are stuck. But Bacon the game has gotten harder for sure. It's beginning to take multiple attempts to get past some of the obstacles. Bacon the game still is easy to pick up and put down during those times where you have a few minutes to kill. I hope these Bacon - the game walk throughs are helpful to you! • In this video you will see what happens after level 130 in Bacon the Game. You will watch as I play the Bacon the Game Bonus Levels. The developers call these the Bacon the Game Endless Chat levels. Which now become a series of text chat bubbles with messages and emojis. They are a way for the developers to talk to you as you play the game. They include messages about the levels and how hard they are. Basically just torturing you about how you won't be able to beat the endless chat levels! In this video they will begin with a warning. You will reach a point where the developers themselves tell you they themselves were not able to complete the level. Which is kind of crazy! So this video is basically me just torturing myself with the Bacon the Game Bonus Levels. • Let's Play Bacon the Game! This video includes Bacon the Game levels 131-179. Which includes the dreaded Bacon the Game bonus level 178! Bacon the game bonus level 48 is a beast. It took me quite some time to finally beat bacon the game level 178. • Hope you enjoy! Please like, comment and Subscribe if you do. • Now Bacon Game time! Mmmmm Bacon! • #baconthegame #sabesokidsshow #bacongame


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