Karma Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita A Talk by Swami Satchidananda Integral Yoga
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In this video excerpt, Yoga Master Swami Satchidananda explains how the yogic philosophy of Karma Yoga, as expounded in the Bhagavad Gita, is sometimes misunderstood. The idea of nonattachment to one's actions or the fruits of those actions doesn't mean one doesn't care about anything, but rather we are to take even more care because perfection in action is Yoga. • From the DVD: Freedom. Available from www.shakticom.org http://tinyurl.com/kra26a and for audio download: http://tinyurl.com/nw2s6g • This video of Swami Satchidananda is copyrighted by Satchidananda Ashram/Integral Yoga. Feel free to share this video as long as it is not altered in any way and is shared in the spirit of respect for Sri Gurudev's teachings. OM Shanthi. • www.yogaville.org • ©1990 Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville, Inc / Integral Yoga