The BEST Hip Mobility Exercise for MMA
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • I call this the 'best' hip mobility exercise for mixed martial artists because it targets 3 areas that are often tight in fighters (and dudes in general): • 1. Hip flexors • 2. Hamstrings • 3. Adductors (groin/inner thigh) • It not only mobilizes and lengthens these muscles, but it also improves your balance, co-ordination and strength at challenging ranges of motion. • The exercise is called the Cossack Warrior and I learned it from Scott Sonnon and my buddy Adam Steer (if you want to see more from these guys, I really suggest checking out their TACFIT Commando program at • If you can't do the full Cossack Warrior, I also show you how to work your way up to it. • Your goal should be to perform 20 reps (10 per side) of the Cossack Warrior in perfect form with decent depth. • If you liked this exercise, make sure you Subscribe to my channel and visit my site at • Thanks for checking it out! • Eric Wong, BSc, CSCS • Your MMA Performance Coach