Hey there! • WHY WON'T THIS DOMAIN GIVE ME ANYTHING GOOD FOR WANDERER/SCARAMOUCHE??? • bob is finally geared, in our longest farming video yet (and I didn't even simp like I did for yelan or mona) - gotta admit i'm SO excited about the fontaine archon. so many french memes and another hydro character?? please be big damage please please please - I even considered trying to work with french VAs as a cool crossover or something, maybe it'll happen!! • either way, this took for EVER. was fun though! i really enjoy both faruzan and bob gameplay - and of course in tandem they work even better! • we'll see what's next, but first I'm gonna enjoy this build for a little while c: • hope you're all well and are excited about the new patch as well! today was the livestream (i'm writing this on friday) and i still refuse to watch them, more fun to discover things as they come! • think that's all! thank you for watching and have an amazing day!! • i'm really excited to make a this video won't end until i get 100% sumeru exploration (desert) as well aaaa • pliz like and sub n all that if you enjoyed ☻♥ • timtok: / rednasyo • twitty: / rednasyo • disco: / discord • twish: / rednasyo • Have a great day! (✿ ◕‿◕) • thx 4 watchin • thx even more for subbin • and the most thx for sharin