Oceanship Hotblack Official Video HD

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=qeb08Y_iAuM

Dear Fans of Oceanship, • I would remove this song from Youtube if I could, but I cannot (please see below). • There is a clause in the Digital Millennial Copyright Act (DMCA) that shields Youtube/Alphabet from any legal accountability in third parties uploading content to their platform (aka the fan ). This means that anyone can upload my material without my permission, and if I want it removed I must manually complete a form — for every fan-video uploaded. There is no guarantee that the video will be removed, or when, and there is also no punishment for the copyright infringing pseudo-fan (aka people who upload videos/music without the musician's permission), so for every video removed the pseudo-fan can simply re-upload the same video (or upload 20 more videos for spite). This is an intentional move by Youtube/Alphabet, for it makes it impossible for an artist to remove their work from the platform permanently. Youtube do not enforce copyright (which they can easily do) because they can't slap an ad on a video, and track the behaviour of its viewer by extension, if that video does not exist on their platform. • So my video remains for the above reasons, and so that I can make statements like these under it (which I cannot if the video has been uploaded by another). Additionally, the creator of this video — Ofir Sasson — has contractual rights to use my song to play with his video. So I am unable to remove Hotblack from Youtube unless Ofir also wants his video — paired with my song — removed. • Finally, there is a fast growing divide between unhealthy people on social media (which is what Youtube is) and unhealthy people on it. If I were you, for all that social media has done/is doing to your and the world's health, I would exit these platforms immediately as though they were a building on fire (YT, X, IG, TT, etc). See The Social Dilemma and The Great Hack (on Netflix) for some basic details. • Oceanship mailing list here: https://www.oceanshipmusic.com/mailin... • This song is avail on Bandcamp (the most ethical service) here: https://oceanship.bandcamp.com/album/... • iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/oce... • Brad/Oceanship • P.s. as for why I'm not on streaming services (aside from Bandcamp, and only if you purchase the album), please see Listening Terms within the Oceanship website: www.oceanshipmusic.com. The abbreviated version is this: streaming is an ultimatum dictated by the so-called fan (aka most of you), masquerading as a choice. It is the only thing your average pseudo-fan will accept as an alternative to stealing music. It's this or I steal your music. Your 'choice'. If A, piracy, will automatically be waged if B, streaming, is not accepted by the artist, then A = B. In moral sum: CD burner = piracy site = streaming service. Each of the former was presented as an ultimatum should the musician not accept the latter. At no point was there a choice . • The vast majority of you, based on your treatment of musicians, do not deserve music. You have proven yourselves not lovers of musician and music, but lovers of yourselves alone. • P.p.s. For the rare few of you who have made it to the base of this message, and for the even rarer few who are intent on honouring my terms, the album from which Hotblack comes was written and produced as an album. The album is much more than simply Hotblack, and Hotblack itself will be received better in the context of the album. Hotblack is but one chapter of a book. It is a good tale unto itself, but it works far better in the context of the entire story.


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