Heel Toe

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How to Dougie: http://bit.ly/DOUGIE • When doing the heel toe, make sure to keep the steps in close to your body rather than further out. Keeping your feet in close makes it easier to maintain balance. • The Hop • Put your right foot forward. Lift your right foot, putting your weight onto your left leg. Hop forward with your left foot while swinging your right leg back. Land the hop with your right foot behind you. • Since this is the basis of the heel toe, it's best to practice it a few times. • Heel ToeThe heel toe aspect comes in when you're landing the hop. When you land, the heel of your left foot should be touching the ground. The toe of your right foot should be touching the ground, and it should be behind you. • Switching Feet • To switch to the other foot, hop forward with your right foot while swinging your left leg back. The toe of your left foot should be behind you touching the ground, and the heel of your right foot should be touching the ground. • To practice switching feet, do three heel toes in a row, starting with your right foot forward. • The Turn • The next part of this is, right after landing a hop, turn the foot in front of you out away from your body. For example, if you're hopping on the left foot, it'll land forward on the heel. You'll then turn it left. • So, if you're switching feet, make sure to do it like this: Heel toe, turn, switch, turn, switch, turn, switch, turn. • Music by Btonez of #TeamWest Productions • Read more by visiting our page at: • http://www.mahalo.com/courses/learn-h...


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