Citi Zēni Lieka Štuka
🚨 / citi_zeni • 🚨 / citi_zeni • 🚨 / citizenimusic • As a reaction to the fast growing prices the popular band Citi Zēni release a witty single about the value of money - Lieka Štuka (Spare thousand) • The song Lieka Štuka was initially written almost two years ago, but Citi Zēni were awaiting the right moment for releasing it. In response to rising fuel prices, record high gas costs and massive inflation, it seems that a more accurate moment for a song about value for money is unthinkable. 'Lieka Štuka' as a concept is something unattainable, but it is worth striving for and dreaming about. I've never met a person who says he has too much money. Everyone has a desire that additional funds would help to bring closer to reality, ” about the group's latest single says singer Jānis Pētersons. • Dagnis Roziņš, the band's saxophonist, has taken on the role of singer in this single. He he has the following to say about the sound of the song: This single is noticeably different from our other songs, so sometimes we get the feeling that this song in particular wasn't written by ourselves, but it was rather rented to us by some higher forces. The overall structure of the song is also commented on by the band's bassist and producer Roberts Memmēns: “When creating the arrangement of the song, we looked for solutions to surprise our listeners. Until now, 'Citi Zēni' had never collaborated with a choir, but it seems that this song fits the sense of togetherness that singing in a choir provides. This time we could not afford a choir, so I sang all the men's parties myself. In total, there are 190 voices that can be heard at the end of the song at the same time.” • Along with the latest single, the band is also presenting a video created in collaboration with Creators 22. The director of the clip, Mārtiņš Goldbergs, comments on the idea and realisation of the visualisation: Although the lyrics of the song are full of irony and satire, in the video we tried to take artistic seriousness in order to visually create the same contradiction as in the title of the song. Lieka Štuka is an oxymoron, and that's what we tried to portray. • Lyrics: • If I had a spare thousand euros • Then I would know how to spend it • If I had a spare thousand euros • Then I would know how to spend it • Time is more valuable than gold to me • When I have some - I spend it • Friend - spread the butter on my bread thick • Because in life, just like in an old saying • What is saved by a saver, is lost away by a lack of character • But if suddenly it would happen • That on a sunny day • In my leather wallet would come the long awaited • happiness • Then all of you would see, what resides in • a good person just like me • If I had a spare thousand euros • Then I would know how to spend it • If I had a spare thousand euros • Then I would know how to spend it • Friend - I am not asking for anything • There is no happiness in stores • But nonetheless - it hurts a little bit • Maybe because I do not know how to save? • Or maybe because I am afraid to screw others over? • Could a thousand euros save me? • But if suddenly it would happen • That on a sunny day • In my leather wallet would come the long awaited • happiness • Then all of you would see, what resides in • a good person just like me • If I had a spare thousand euros • Then I would know how to spend it • If I had a spare thousand euros • Then I would know how to spend it • #CitiZēni #LiekaŠtuka • Members of Citi Zēni : • Jānis Pētersons vocals • Dagnis Roziņš vocals, saxophone • Reinis Višķeris keyboards • Krišjānis Ozols guitar • Robert Memmen's bass • Toms Kagainis drums • Lieka Štuka authors: • Music by Roberts Memmēns • Music by Toms Jēkabs Kagainis • Production by JJ Lush (Jānis Jačmenkins) • Lyrics by Dagnis Roziņš • Mix master by Pauls Davis Megi • Video: • Mārtiņš Kivlinieks operator, montage • Mārtiņš Goldbergs director • Loreta Danche makeup • Edijs Elksnis best boy • Ieva Filatova art Department • Marta Kalnins art Department • Emilija Podgaiska art Department • Renāte Saulīte artwork social media • Jānis Kļaviņš single producer • Published by Forte Production • Special thanks to: • BBrental • Eliza Jordanane • Ermīns Baltais • fonFilms - Māris Lagzdiņš, Dita Nitiša • Publisher: • Forte Production