PREEvision 90 Tutorial Series Network Topology Diagram Creation
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • --- • The C++ Vector Challenge - Lisa Lippincott - C++Now 2024 • --- • Many years ago, a conversation with a C++ luminary lead me to focus my attention on a particular question: How can we extend a procedural language like C++ to express the reasoning that underlies our programs in a way that can be statically checked? And how can we make it practical to express the interfaces between the various parts of our programs, so that we may check that the parts fit together properly? • In the years since I have made some progress, particularly with the interfaces for functions. But I’ve held onto one remark from that early conversation, taking it as a challenge, as a milepost on the horizon: someday I should write a formal interface for the standard template vector. • Twenty years later, vector remains a difficult problem. In this lecture I will describe not only the progress I’ve made, but also the difficulties that remain, and the properties that make vector so troublesome. It will also be my first foray into describing object interfaces. • So this talk can be seen from several angles. For some, it will be a deep dive into the way vector works. For others, it will explore the specification of object interfaces. And underlying that, it will examine some streams of thought that came together in C++, and the conflicts between those streams that impede formal specification. • --- • Slides: • • --- • Lisa Lippincott • Lisa Lippincott designed the software architectures of Tanium and BigFix, two systems for managing large fleets of computers. She's currently assistant chair of the numerics study group of the C++ standardization committee. In her spare time, she studies mathematical logic, and wants to make computer-checked proofs of correctness a routine part of programming. • --- • C++Now 2025 - 28th April - 2nd May • C++Now is an annual onsite international C++ programming and coding conference held in Aspen, Colarado. For all C++ developers, C++ software engineers and those involved with the C++ language, CppNow provides an indepth and technical content provided by the best and brightest C++ experts of the C++ world. • Annual CppNow Conference - • / cppnow • / cppnow • / cppnow • / cppnow • • Video Sponsors: millennium and think-cell • --- • Videos Filmed Edited By Bash Films: • YouTube Channel Managed Optimized By Digital Medium Ltd: • --- • #boost #cpp #programming #cppprogramming #vector