How do Jellyfish Move
Jellyfish Movement - Subscribe to our channel • Jellyfish moves with a simple jet propulsion system. It contracts its bell to create pressure in the water below. That pressure force propels it forward. The system is noted for its high efficiency. Scientists are thinking of mimicking the jellyfish locomotion of locomotion in their small oceanic drones. • Comb jellies are known for their unique way of swimming. They use tiny cilia for that purpose. See them in the video. • Jellyfish is actually a big zoo-plankton. Like other plankton they are drifted by the currents of the ocean. Currents take them from one place to another place. Their locomotion is too weak to go against the currents. Ocean currents often aggregate a large number of jellyfishes near the shore. Such a congregation is known as a bloom . • Watch the video to learn some interesting jellyfish facts • Interesting Jellyfish Facts • Watch it to learn more about the strange jellyfish lake of Palau • Jellyfish Lake Palau • Visit our website • Facts about Moon Jellyfish